I can't remember the last time I actually finished a book.
Let alone devote an entire night to reading a book.
Let alone read without falling asleep within 14 minutes.
People consistently resound with high praise for "the hunger games" and its ability to catpure them unexpectedly. it's like a ninja stalking you. one minute your walking through a forest, unsuspecting, and the next, your head is rolling around like a soccer ball.
I had no idea what I had started before it was too late. I had stepped into a web of despair that only frees you after you've finished it.
After stumbling upon the trailer on reddit, i finally had a decent visual representation of it. and this was the gateway. the freaking trailer. i instantly scrambled to the nearest bookstore after work (only barnes and nobles left, gg borders) and scooped up a copy.
i had to know how the games played out. i needed to hear it from the author without reading wikipedia or reddit to spoon feed me the answers. i didn't want this to be ruined.
I asked Ollie "out of 10, what is it?"
she replied "10"
are you joking me?! A 10!?
lets be real, this book give me a paradigm shift, but as far as entertainment comes from books, it was straight crack.
and yes. she was right. it was a 10.
therefore any book that is a 10 from Ollie = insta-crack addiction (according to a sample size of 1)
but don't let the limited sample size fool you, Ollie knows her crack
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