back again! jT's back! tell a friend!
the time away from blogging on here has given me a fresh perspective on a lot of things. as i stated before, i was pretty caught up in viewership and all i did was incessantly check my google analytics seeing if i could get more people to click through to my blog. as i watched trends and how people came to find my blog, i was obsessed with the idea that i was somehow significant. were people actually interested in my life? or was it just another link that they had setup on their daily list of blogs to view while not working at work. this became too much for me to handle and i had to put it on the bench.
well, the call has come through and i'm bringing this thing up outta the minors. call it gaines. call it posey. in fact, don't call it anything, since it's going to amount to nothing close in that range. i'm going to come back to blogging with a real and vivid idea of what this is all about. and merely, that is to be a means through which i can stream my thoughts and ideas of what life has been throwing at me. yes, it's for you, the reader, but it's also not going to be an idol of my heart as i foolishly had made it out to be.
i've seen some fruit and wisdom in the time i've stepped away from this blog. there is something to be said for keeping your mouth shut and just listening. and mostly i find that in those times, there is so much to learn. i will be making it a normal practice.
i, of course, have kept up with the blogs i read, as well as the blogs that have sprung up while i was out of the game...
i've seen the new and improved blogs that have a home page with arguably my favorite hitter of all time, Junior. i see you scott.
i've seen blogs start up and pretty much never get updated cuz their first post dealt with non-mainstream top 40 artists as the beginning point for their blog (with his friends thrashing his attempt at showing who and what he's about to the rest of the world)...props to russ.
i've seen blogs begin with emotional outpour of the heart... jc ftw.
the thing is, all blogs are created for the very purpose of what their creator has deemed them to be. whether that be sports, music, life, or just pure unconscious streams of their thoughts, it's all whatever you want that blog to be.
much like our lives, our blogs are dictated by the choices we make. there is one major difference, we're accountable to God for them. our blogs are merely products we've constructed from nothing. however, our lives have been created for one purpose. and that's to give glory to God. Over the next few posts, i'll be talking about things i've learned while away from the blog. mostly about what God's been teaching me such as who He is and who i am in relation to Him.
which brings me to where i'm at now. my blog has now ceased to be an idol of mine and i'm ready to begin fresh. but at any point at which it becomes a potential threat. i'm going to drop it again. i don't owe it to anyone to keep this up. and i'm sure you probably don't care enough anyways, hahaha, but the fact is this, i'm accountable for one thing, the management of my life and decisions i make. and that's going to dictate the output and flow of what's going to be posted here.
i'm going to still strive to be transparent and honest, but with obvious censorship when it would be more than unwise to post about certain topics.
the more i've learned, the more i realize just how much i don't know. and i am definitely humbled. the thing i'm going for is to be honest, sincere and real with people i haven't talked to in a long time...and those whom i've just met as well.
the future has much in store. (a giants WS championship? i see you grant) i look forward to the rising sun emerging again from the depths of the darkness to shine ever brighter.
(no i'm not talking about japan's army, they've been done since 45'
...what?!? too soon?)
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