31 days.

hey blogging world. i have some good news for the readers of this blog.

i'm looking at december as a month to reflect and one thing comes to mind: thankfulness.
looking back on the year of 2010, it's been exactly what i thought it was going to be.
a long year of good change and good times.

there are things i've been meaning to get done, and after a few months of R&R i've come to a solid understanding of getting three things for this month.

1) i'm going to get a job. and it's the holiday season. neutral.
2) i'm going to get healthy. and it's the holiday season. fail.
3) i'm going to get ministry going. and it's the holiday season. win.

so for every day in december, i plan on doing 2 things for my blog.
first thing is this:
for every day in december...i'm going to post about something that has made a big impact upon my life.
i'll then proceed to write a 5 sentence paragraph about that subject (person, place, thing)

31 days of reflection, ftw.

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