i've heard it said that college is one of the best times in you life. and i'd have to agree, it definitely was. The simple fact is this... never again will i be able to just wake up and flake class cuz i was tired. or just cuz there was something better to do. i'll have a job and be accountable to be on time. lame. lame. lame.
last night we had the last bible study meeting ever. and i'll have to say, a bonfire at the beach with some smores is definitely the way to go out. the time that i've spent with these brothers has taught me so much that i'll never be able to fully explain it. it was for sure some of the closest guys i'll ever know and the bond we share will be eternal. it probably was the biggest anchor i had while in college. what a great group of guys. :D
there were a lot of things i wanted to do this quarter. and one of them was definitely pull the trigger more. and i couldn't have been more satisfied with how everything went down. but pulling the trigger didn't just have to do with girls, it dealt with the very thing that i love the most, my faith in Christ.
if you remember i was enrolled in a religion and psyc class (RG ST15) and i have a post about my initial reactions to it. this is the link to it.
anyways, i was pretty discouraged with the situation. i think i wanted to just tell everyone what i believe in and why. to be honest, i've never just stood up for much in class my entire time here at UCSB. there have been multiple times where i disagreed heavily with the teacher, but in my cowardice, would shy away from saying much. anyways, this whole quarter, i've been just amping myself to say more and stand up.
it was my last religious studies section today. we had a discussion going about what our thoughts were about the course and what our overall religious view is. i literally sat there thinking about what i would say and if i would say anything. then there was like 5 minutes to go in class, and i decided it was another now or never moment...i then raised my hand to speak. (my TA commented how i looked super anxious to talk afterward to me in private). i was pretty amped on coffee/energy/spirit.
i shared with the class about how i believe there to be an emptiness/longing inside of all of us and that people are constantly trying to fill that void with different things, usually with materialistic things. i gave the example of multi-millionaires being completely dissatisfied with life because their life wasn't built upon something that gave them contentment. then i talked about how people find that contentment, and for me it was through God. I told them that i am a Christian and that my faith is built upon the fact that i'm saved by faith through grace in Jesus. i talked about how people don't usually believe in the existence of God because it's not "pragmatic". people don't want to be held accountable for their life and actions, so they choose not to believe. although the fact is that just because you don't believe in something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I told them that death is guaranteed for everyone and at that point, its too late. although death is when you'll know who was right.
My TA asked if anyone thought we were accountable or if there was an emptiness inside...
no one responded, if i could say one word that i saw in their faces it was disbelief. they were quiet and just shrugged it off. and then class ended...
the result wasn't what i hoped for. i think i was hoping to see more of a response... although there was a girl who was nodding her head {hopefully in agreement...}
still, i'm simply happy that i finally shared my faith in class. i would've regretted it so much had i never shared. it took me 4 years. but i did it. Praise God!
2 eprops...thanks for sharing